When is it time to change jobs? Once the excitement and the novelty of the new position wears off, you have to face the reality of the new duties, responsibilities, schedule, peers and your future. Training, learning new skills and meeting new people gets old quickly and unless the position is challenging and satisfying you will find yourself getting bored at work. The daily routine sets in and soon you start thinking, where is this taking me? Am I going to be doing the same thing for the rest of my life?
There are 5 signs that will help you determine that is time to change jobs
#1. It’s Time to Change Jobs when You Dread Going to Work Every Morning.
Dread going to Work
It is time to change jobs, when you have to drag yourself out of bed, into the shower, and to work every single morning. It is normal, to feel that you want to cuddle in bed a bit longer; however, once you get up and take a shower, you start looking forward to the new day and thinking about the projects and tasks to be done. You feel energized and you think about the day ahead of you. But once the feeling of “I don’t want to go to work” sets in and continues for days and weeks, it is safe to say that it is time to change jobs. If you are not looking forward to your new day at work, it is time to start looking for another job and change jobs soon.
#2. It’s Time to Change Jobs when You Find Yourself Constantly Complaining About Your Job
When you find yourself answering “it could be better” or “it’s a job” to the question “How’s work?”. It is almost certain that it is time to change jobs. If you don’t have anything nice to say about your job, if you don’t want to tell anyone about the new project, the new decoration, if you don’t want to talk about the new staff member, or if you don’t want to talk about your job, it is time to move on.
#3. It’s Time to Change Jobs when You Have to Admit that You are Less Productive and Less Enthusiastic About Your Job
You look back and you can remember when you wanted to do things right, just because you wanted to do them right. You wanted to do things quickly and to do your best, you wanted to be productive and you knew you were productive. You took on new projects and responsibilities with enthusiasm and always tried to do your best. When you find yourself constantly making mistakes that you didn’t use to make, especially while performing duties that you have done many times and you know by heart, it is time to change jobs. You are not being productive and nothing is motivating you to be enthusiastic about your work.
#4. It’s Time to Change Jobs When You Find Any Excuse Not to Go to Work
Even though you are a responsible individual and will always meet the demands of your position, you find yourself missing work because a light headache or a minor cold. Deep down you know that you are just making excuses to take a day off. Deep down you know that under other circumstances you wouldn’t have missed work. When this happens it is time to start looking for another job and to change jobs.
#5. It’s Time to Change Jobs When Not Even a Raise in Salary, a Promotion or Some Wonderful Training Sparks Your Interest Anymore
Your boss calls you into his/her office to let you know that you are being promoted, that you are getting the much waited raise or that you have been selected to attend the next training and you don’t get excited. If you find yourself showing more excitement than what you really feel, it is time to start looking for another job and change jobs.
You determined that you have to change jobs. Now what? The first step is to analyse what is it that you don’t like about your current job, why did you lose interest in your job and then determine what position you are interested in. Next step start doing your research, update or write a new resume, and start applying!
If it is time to change jobs, prepare yourself with a killer resume and apply, apply, apply!